Camden High


Let's see what can be done about the Simple Present and the Present Progressive.

Which one is appropriate?

Johnny often drives his car.

Today he is riding his motor-bike.


Simple Present:

  • Gewohnheit

  • Beruf

  • Hobby

  • Wiederkehrendes

  • Fahrplan

Present Progressive

  • es geschieht genau jetzt

  • es geschieht vorübergehend in dieser Weise

  • Verabredungen

  1. Monday morning. Thomas Weber, principal of Camden High usually ________ (go) to school by bike. Today he __________ (take) the bus because his bike has a flat tire.

  2. The students on the bus ______ (be) unusually quiet. No-one __________ (do) his homework on the bus this time.

  3. At the moment John Miller _________ (take) part in a football match. He usually ________ (play) badminton.

  4. Paul often _______ (walk) in the park together with Schroeder, his dog. Today he ____ also ______ (take) Scholzo, his neighbor's dog with him.

  5. At the moment Johnny ________ (have) an argument with Jill. The two _______ (fight). They never _______ (fight), this is an exception.

  6. Mr Smith ________ (mow) the lawn, Mrs Smith _____ (read) the newspaper and little Paul ______ (read) a comic book. All this his________ (happen) at the moment.

  7. Jane usually _______ (read) Japanese manga, but at the moment she ________ (read) a good old-fashioned American Superman comic book.

  8. Alec and his parents _______ (live) in Yorkshire. Today they ________ (make) a trip to good old London.


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