
Simple Present/Simple Past Exercise

  Paul usually eats a sandwich. Yesterday he ate a piece of cake. Simon usually ________ comic books. Yesterday he ________ a magazine. (read) The Smiths usually _________ to Spain for their summer holidays. Last year they _________ to Italy. (travel) Commissioner Gordon usually __________ with Batman. On the last case he _________ with Robin. (work) Miss Porter usually ___________ on time for classes. Yesterday she ___________ late. (arrive) There had been a traffic-jam. Tim usually _________ e-mails. Yesterday he ________ letters because the internet was down. (write) Solution Simon usually reads comic books. Yesterday he read a magazine. (read) The Smiths usually travel to Spain for their summer holidays. Last year they travelled to Italy. (travel) Commissioner Gordon usually works with Batman. On the last case he worked with Robin. (work) Miss Porter usually arrives on time for classes. Yesterday she arrived late. (arrive) Th

Tenses Part Two: The Simple Past (exercise with solution)

positive sentence: -ed form/second form negative sentence: didn't + infinitive question: did... infinitive be: was/were/wasn't/weren't yesterday, in 1998, last year, back then, five years ago,... Yesterday Paul ________ the dog for a walk. (take) Last year the Smiths ___________ to Spain. They ______ a nice holiday there and found many new friends. (travel, have, find) While Paul was feeding the cat yesterday suddenly a mouse ___________ . (appeared) The cat _________ (make) a big jump and _________ (catch) the mouse at once. Yesterday Alan __________ (be) ill. He ________ (not go) to school. Later on he ______ (feel) better and _______ (ask) Paul for the homework via e-mail. Tom ________ (go) to school by bike yesterday. The day before yesterday he ______ (go) by bus. Mr Miller ________ (write) an e-mail to the editor of our local newspaper yesterday. He ______________ (complain) about local politics. Our class _________ (

English Tenses Part One: The Simple Present

 Tom collects model cars. Tom doesn't collect model planes. Does Tom collect model cars? The boys collect stamps. The boys don't collect coins. Do the boys collect coins? Tom is angry. Tom isn't sad. Is Tom sad? The boys are smart. The boys aren't stupid. Are the boys smart? I am clever. I am not stupid. Am I clever? I study, he studies I go, he goes I catch, he catches I hurry, he hurries I must, he must, I can, he can Die Verwendung des Simple Present: Regelmäßige Ereignisse Sich wiederholende Ereignisse Hobbys Berufe Fahrpläne, Stundenpläne u.a. Exercise 1: Positive Sentences The tomcat usually _________ through the house in the afternoon. (walk)  The police usually _________ thieves and burglars. (catch) (Take care: There is always more than one officer, therefore the police = they.)  Paul _______ breakfast at half past six and ________ the house at seven o'clock. (have, leave) Timmy _________

Übung Groß- und Kleinschreibung

  wenn fliegen hinter fliegen fliegen, fliegen fliegen fliegen nach der hund bellt laut und meldet einen einbrecher in der scheune als peter nach hause kam, war seine frau wütend, weil er sich schon wieder verspätet hatte der lastwagen fuhr vorbei und unser küchenschrank wackelte, zum glück ist er nicht umgefallen als seine frau nach hause kam, strickte ihr reinhold gerade ein neues paar strümpfe max frisch ist der bedeutendere romanautor und friedrich dürrenmatt ist der bedeutendere dramenautor von heinrich bölls werken ist "ansichten eines clowns" eines der bedeutendsten

Probabilities - An If-Clauses Type I/II Exercise

  If-clause Type I If Uncle Paul gives him a new tennis racket for his birthday, Jack will be happy. (possible) If-clause Type II If Uncle Paul gave him a whole tennis court for his birthday Jack would be incredibly happy. (possible, but rather improbable) (möglich, aber eher unwahrscheinlich) Exercise Which type makes more sense in these cases? Think about the probability. 1. If David Hasselhoff _________________ my birthday party I _______________ delighted. (join, be) 2. If my old friend Sabrina ______________ my birthday party I ______________ delighted. (join, be) 3. If I _____________ 200 Euros as a bonus payment I ____________ a new cellphone. (get, buy) 4. If I _____________ 40.000 Euros as a bonus payment I ______________ a new electric car. (get, buy) 5. If we ______________ to Hamburg I _______________ many concerts in the Elbphilharmonie. (move, attend) 6. If we _________________ to Sidney (which is actually improbable) I __________________ many operas in the Sidney Op

Simple Past Exercise

Paul went to church last Sunday. Jimmy didn't go to church last Sunday. Did Peter go to school yesterday? 1. The Smiths _________________ (not travel) to Scotland last year. 2. Sabrina __________________ (not go) to school yesterday. 3. Jimmy __________ a exciting newspaper article about the German education system yesterday. 4. The Carpenters __________________ (travel) to Spain last year. 5. Thomas _______________ (enjoy) the meal at the fast food restaurant yesterday. 6. Alan _____________ (work) long hours yesterday. 7. The dog ____________ (catch) a rat yesterday. 8. What _______ you ________ last week? (do) 9. When _________ Mr Smith _______ home yesterday? (come) 10. The philosopher _________ them the truth. (tell)

Unregelmäßige Verben: Präteritum und Perfekt (Deutsch)

  Unregelmäßige Verben Paul ________ sich neulich in London die Wachsfiguren bei Mme Tussaud's _____. ( ansehen, Präteritum) In den Achtzigern __________ meine Mutter oft Kuchen. (backen, Präteritum) Als Fünftklässler ____________ ich ein sogenanntes Bonanza-Fahrrad. (besitzen, Präteritum) ________ du dich heute schon genug _________? (bewegen, Perfekt) Zu meinem Geburtstag ________ ich einige Bücher __________. (bekommen, Perfekt) Der PKW mit den Gangstern ________ nach rechts in die Hauptstraße ___________, Herr Kommissar. (abbiegen, Perfekt) Uwe ________ gestern mit Gaby ______________. (ausgehen, Perfekt) Das gestohlene Bild _______ der Hehler dem Kunstsammler Gassmann an. (anbieten, Präteritum) Gassmann ____________ den Vorfall sofort dem Kommissar. (melden, Präteritum) Der Anwalt ________ seinen Mandanten recht gut ___________ (beraten, Perfekt) In den Neunzigern __________ der damalige Lohnbuchhalter fortwähr