
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2021 angezeigt.

Literature Vocab

Vocabulary Fill in the proper words. "Our Town", whose German title is "Unsere kleine Stadt" is a ________ (Theaterstück) which was ________ (geschrieben) by the American __________  (Stückeschreiber) Thornton Wilder. The author's __________ (Absicht) is to show everyday routine under the light of eternity (Ewigkeit). While the first _____ (Akt) of the play deals with everyday life, the second one deals with marriage and family and the third one is about death.   "Please _________ (fasst zusammen) the text on page 45" the teacher told his pupils.   Thomas Mann's __________ (Roman) "Der Zauberberg" is a famous ________ (Prosawerk, -text) The very long ____________ (Erzählwerk) deals with ________ (Philosopie) and ________ (Zeit).   ________ (Fabeln) are short ___________ (Prosawerke, -texte) whose protagonists are usually animals and which contain a moral.   "Mr Spencer roared like a lion" is an ________ (Beispiel) of a ________