Randolph Stone and the Mystery of the Traffic Light

Another Randolph Stone Mystery? 
Sort of... 

Randolph Stone and his friends Julie Bell (a lawyer), Jimmy Sutton (a professor of literature) and Tom Jeffries III (a physicist) are attending their weekly meeting. 
Jimmy: I think it's appropriate that we call this one “stammtisch”, for our topic today is Germany and its political system. 
Julie: Nice idea, Jimmy. Tell us, what is going on over there? Are the going to try Jamaica again? 
Randolph: Jamaica? What would that be? I know it's an island in the Caribbean, but... 
Tom: An island in the Caribbean, pronounced [ʤəˈmeɪkə], situated 145 km south of Cuba... 
Julie: No, we won't need that geography lecture. Jamaica is the nickname for a German coalition of three parties based upon the respective colors of these parties, that would be green for the Green Party of course, black for the Conservatives and yellow for the liberals. 
Jimmy: … which happen to be the colors of the Jamaican flag. 
Randolph: OK, now I get it. 
Jimmy: No, Jamaica is a minor option this time. They are going for a traffic light. 
Randolph: Ah, I can figure this one out. That would refer to the colors red, yellow and green. But who are the Reds? Some lookalike of the GOP, meaning the Republicans, another conservative group? 
Tom: No, unlike in the US, the color red doesn't refer to Conservatives or Republicans or the GOP, as we call them, but to left wing social democrats. Old Aunt SPD, as they call that party, will most likely team up with the Greens and the Liberals. One hell of a mixture. A tripartisan government, as we would call it. 
Randolph: Hate to interrupt you, Tom, but there's Guido with the meal. Let's enjoy our lasagna before continuing with the topic.


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