Literature Vocab


Fill in the proper words.

"Our Town", whose German title is "Unsere kleine Stadt" is a ________ (Theaterstück) which was ________ (geschrieben) by the American __________  (Stückeschreiber) Thornton Wilder. The author's __________ (Absicht) is to show everyday routine under the light of eternity (Ewigkeit). While the first _____ (Akt) of the play deals with everyday life, the second one deals with marriage and family and the third one is about death.
"Please _________ (fasst zusammen) the text on page 45" the teacher told his pupils.
Thomas Mann's __________ (Roman) "Der Zauberberg" is a famous ________ (Prosawerk, -text) The very long ____________ (Erzählwerk) deals with ________ (Philosopie) and ________ (Zeit).
________ (Fabeln) are short ___________ (Prosawerke, -texte) whose protagonists are usually animals and which contain a moral.
"Mr Spencer roared like a lion" is an ________ (Beispiel) of a ________ (Vergleich)
"Sherlock Holmes solved the riddle effortless in no time" is an example of an __________ (Übertreibung)
"A Trojan horse" from Homer's "The Iliad" is a famous __________ (Metapher) for a "gift" (Geschenk)  that one's enemy (Feind) uses to inflict damage and pain. 
works of fiction, simile, work of fiction, summarize, example, novel, narrative text, playwright, play, metaphor, intention, time, written, exaggeration, act, fables, philosophy


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