If-clauses Type One Explanation and Exercise

There are three types of if-clauses. (Some people say there are actually four, I'll come to that later. The fourth type is referred to not as type number four, but rather as "Type Zero")
If-clauses Type One
If Mortimer Adams writes a book, he will earn money with it.
With Mortimer actually being a writer, maybe professional, maybe even renown, there is a real possibility of him earning money with it. This constitutes an if-clause type one.
Of course you can put it vice versa:
Mortimer Adams will earn money with a book if he writes one. 
One more example:
If Peter wins that match he will be happy.
Peter will be happy if he wins that match.
Of course negation is also possible:
If Peter doesn't win that match he will be sad.
Let's have a look at the different possibilities, + (plus) denoting the positive claim and - (minus) denoting the negation:
If they move to London they will meet new neigbours. (+/+)
They will meet new neigbours if they move to London. (+/+)
If they don't move to London they won't meet new neigbours.(-/-)
They won't meet new neigbours if they don't move to London. (-/-)
If they move to London they won't be happy. (+/-)
They won`'t be happy if they move to London. (-/+)
If they don't move to London they will move to Edinburgh. (-/+)
They will move to Edinburgh if they don't move to London. (+/-)
In terms of grammar:
You use the simple present in the if-clause and the will-future in the main clause.
The if-clause states the condition while the main clause states the consequence of that condition.
(Bedingung, Konsequenz)

Two more things: if a consequence is less likely to occur, will might be replaced by might.
If you tease the dog it might get angry.

The other thing: You might also use "unless" as a negative version of "if".
Unless you do your homework you won't pass the test. 
unless: es sei denn, wenn nicht, außer wenn


1. If Paul ___________ (tell) that really old joke his friends probably ____________ (not laugh)
2. If Sarah __________ (read) all these books she __________ (become) much wiser.
 Bild könnte enthalten: Text könnte möglicherweise lauten: „Some of the best books of all times were UTOPIA actually written in prison. dty Artems“

3. If Chief Inspector Walters __________ (solve) that tricky case he _________ (gain) a very good reputation.
4. If you _________ (try) harder you __________ (succeed)
5. If 006 __________ (kill) the bad guy the world ________ (be) a better place.
6. If you ________ (spend) too much money you _________ (have) nothing left.
7. You ___________ (not be able to) sleep if you ________ (drink) too much coffee in the evening.
8. Unless you _______ (go) to bed right now you __________ (not be able to) get up early tomorrow morning at five o'clock.
9. If the witness ________ the truth Mr Crook ________ (not have) an alibi anymore.
10. If Mr Crook _________ (commit) another crime the judge ___ surely ______ (send) him to prison again.


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